耶鲁大学Yansheng Liu组访问学者、博士后招聘
实验室学术带头人刘延盛博士曾在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH Zurich) Ruedi Aebersold 实验室进行博士后研究,2017年底加入耶鲁大学癌症生物学研究所 (Yale Cancer Biology Institute),任助理教授,PI,专长于定量蛋白质组学DIA技术(Liu Y. et al, Cell 2016, Liu Y. et al, Nature Biotechnol, 2019),并将此应用于磷酸化蛋白质组(Rosenberger R.*, Liu Y.* et al, Nature Biotechnology 2017)、血浆蛋白质组(Liu Y. et al, Molecular Systems Biology 2015)和唐氏综合症(Liu Y. et al, Nature Communications 2017)等领域。近年来,以第一作者或通讯作者在Cell, Nature Biotechnol, Nature Comm, PNAS, Mol Syst Biol, Cell Rep, Mol Cell Proteomics等杂志发表文章30余篇,总引用2200余次。并担任Proteomics编委, Proteomics-Clinical Applications编委,及Frontiers in Physiology副主编。课题组详细介绍参见实验室网站 https://www.yslproteomics.org/。
1. 计算蛋白质组 / 蛋白质组数据分析与处理方向。
2. 以第一作者在相关领域发表研究论文至少1篇。
3. 已获得或即将获得博士学位,符合耶鲁大学政策。
4. 具有优秀的英文写作能力和良好的交流能力。
1. 对蛋白质组学有浓厚兴趣。
2. 能专心参与实验室工作一年或一年以上。
3. 有一定的英文写作与交流能力。
1. 博士后将按NIH最新标准提供薪酬。
2. 学习质谱技术(最新 Orbitrap Fusion Lumos仪器)与蛋白质组学技术的机会以及优秀的实验平台。
3. 优秀的科研课题以及以第一作者发表高质量论文的机会。
有意者请将详细简历以及cover letter发到yansheng.liu@yale.edu。博士后候选者如合适会进一步要求2-3封推荐信,并组织电话面试/面试。来信请注明拟入职时间。
Postdoctoral Position in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Starting in January 2018 or later
Our research is dedicated to delineate mechanisms of proteomic and post-translational control in different tumor cell models and cancer patients. One major focus is the proteomic data mining and management, the genome-proteome association analysis and mutilayered data integration for studying human diseases such as cancer. Please see more details at https://www.yslproteomics.org/ for the introduction of the group.
We invite applications from PhD – MD/PhD scientists to join our laboratory. Candidate requirements include Ph.D or M.D./Ph.D. (already obtained or soon to be), a high degree of motivation in academic research, decent record of scientific accomplishments with publication(s) in peer-reviewed journals, and ability to work independently and as a team player with excellent communication and writing skills. Knowledge in bioinformatics and high-throughput data analysis (NOT necessary in Proteomics) is essential. Excellent experience in R programing, data visualization, strong experience in Perl or Python or Java etc. languages, and an open mind in learning Proteomics are desirable. The work experience in a Proteomics or a Systems Biology group is advantageous.
The research group is affiliated to The Yale Cancer Biology Institute (YCBI) which connects scientists from across Yale to study the common underlying causes of cancer. The research group is well equipped with the state-of-the-art mass spectrometers such as Orbitrap Fusion™ Lumos™ Tribrid™ (Thermo Fisher) and Xevo G2-XS System (Waters).
We offer excellent working conditions: a competitive salary, international working environment, and direct access to high quality, question driven proteomic data sets. First and co-first author publications on high impact journals can be expected. The position is full time for 2 years with possibility to prolongation and it is available from January 2018. Salaries are according to Yale scale.
The following documents are obligatory for the application:
• A cover letter with statement of motivation and a detailed description of the qualifications as described above
• Curriculum vitae including a chronological list of publications
• Two or three letters of recommendation should be organized by the applicant and sent by the referees.
Information and contact:
Please send the above materials to Dr. Yansheng Liu
Yansheng Liu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology
Department of Pharmacology
Yale University School of Medicine
Institute Address:
Cancer Biology Institute
ABC 371C, 840 West Campus Drive,
PO Box 27400
West Haven, CT 06516
Tel: +1 (203)737-3853
Email: yansheng.liu@yale.edu
PhD students and internships
Starting in January 2019 or later
We extremely welcome PhD students through the Yale’s program in Biological & Biomedical Sciences (BBS). We also welcome self-supported internships, master students, and visiting scientists depending on mutual interests.
Information and contact:
Please send the above materials to Dr. Yansheng Liu
Yansheng Liu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology
Department of Pharmacology
Yale University School of Medicine
Institute Address:
Cancer Biology Institute
ABC 371C, 840 West Campus Drive,
PO Box 27400
West Haven, CT 06516
Tel: +1 (203)737-3853
Email: yansheng.liu@yale.edu